Sea Urchin Balls

These balls are great for indoor games and outdoor water fights.

Using scissors cut used carpet padding into a 1 square foot piece, then cut the square into twenty-four ½-inch wide strips. Cut each strip in half to make forty-eight 6-inch strips.

Stack the strips centered over a twist tie laying flat on a hard, stable surface. Tightly twist the tie around the center of the stack. Pull, twist and turn the strips until you have a ball.

Children’s Sewing Cards

Glue a picture from a coloring book, computer clip art or magazine onto a piece of cardboard. With a hole puncher, punch holes around the edges of the cardboard shape, spaced about ½-inch apart.

Wrap a piece of scotch tape around one end of a long piece of yarn or string or dip in nail polish so it won’t unravel and it is easier for a child to use. Tie a fat knot in the other end.

The World is Your Garage Sale

This article isn’t about how to re-use something you already own, but how to re-use something that someone else once owned, which is the greenest way that you can shop. Absolutely no manufacturing or repackaging is needed to get these items ready for re-introduction into the marketplace. Continue reading