Thank you to Debbie Yates of “Echo’s Voice” (a sensational blog showcasing green artists) for her enthusiasm for what we’re doing here at Irish Attic and for her ideas listed here.
Debbie uses Pringles can lids as coasters for really sweaty drinks cuz the lip keeps the liquid from rolling off the coaster onto the surface you’re trying to protect. I’m thinking that if you cut a little circle of felt to fit inside the lid then it could absorb the liquid and yet be light enough to dry out quickly and so not become musty. It would be a good idea to toss a few of these into a drawer for the next time you have more guests than you have pretty coasters. Whip these babies out and your furniture stays safe from water rings. Bonus: since they’re clear they’ll blend into your decor.
You could also give the kiddies a few of these lids to decorate before you stash them. Fun rainy day project for them and pretty coasters for you.
Debbie also used Pringles can lids to “put on top of glass. Example, I’m drinking grape juice, poured a whole glass, but can’t finish. Instead of throwing the juice out, the Pringles lid fits nice and tight on most glasses, and then back into the refrigerator. Most regular tall glasses, they fit nice and perfect just like they are made for them. I love your site, and daily updates.”
so many Pringles to choose from, so little time to eat them all!