Laundry Room Exchange

My friend Sheryl lives in a small apartment complex that has a community laundry room. One day she was clearing out some things from her kitchen and instead of taking the items to the thrift store she placed the box in the laundry room with a sign saying “Help Yourself”. When she went back the next day all the items were gone. A week later someone else had left a couple of dining room chairs in the laundry room with a sign on them. Now it’s a regular thing for those in this apartment community to leave items they no longer want in the laundry room. If an item has been there for a week or longer someone will either toss it in the trash or take it to a local thrift store.

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About Kat

I started this blog to share with you all the results of years of turning trash into treasures. Hopefully I'll spark some new creative thoughts and if that happens I hope that you'll share your discoveries and together we’ll build a blog that will singlehandedly reduce global warming and save the world! Okay, maybe that’s a grand goal but we should be able to at least downsize our own trash output.

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