I have a pair of jeans that I usually tuck into my boots so I don’t mind that they’re a little short, but this year I want to wear them over booties and I want a little extra length. Not everybody will like my solution but I really like the double hem effect these jeans now have.
I had another pair of jeans in my refashion pile that were a similar color but way too small for me. I cut off a 4 inch section from the bottom of each leg and pinned each one to the leg of the jeans I was lengthening, playing with it a little until I got the length I wanted.
Then it was a simple matter of stitching them using navy thread right below the original gold stitching which served to hide the new stitching. And if you don’t like the double hem effect you could still use this idea but add enough so that you can cuff the jeans and still have the length that you want.