Soda Can or Juice Box Insulated Wrap

When you clean up from a picnic or party do you find dozens of half empty cans? This quick project will keep drinks cold, help guests identify their cans so that they will (hopefully) finish one can before opening another.

You can use the same technique to make juice box wraps for a children’s party or for your own children’s daily use. Although the proper thing to do would be to encourage you not to use individual juice boxes we all know that this is not a perfect world and we are all doing the best we can and sometimes we just need to have the convenience of juice boxes that the little ones can serve themselves straight from the fridge.

Click on over to About.Com for a free pattern with instructions.

more party ideas


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About Kat

I started this blog to share with you all the results of years of turning trash into treasures. Hopefully I'll spark some new creative thoughts and if that happens I hope that you'll share your discoveries and together we’ll build a blog that will singlehandedly reduce global warming and save the world! Okay, maybe that’s a grand goal but we should be able to at least downsize our own trash output.

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