Frame Your Artwork

Just because a picture frame doesn’t match your décor or has been chewed by hamsters (it happens) is no reason to toss it in the trash bin. Here are some ideas for revamping old frames.

Paint your frame with bright colored, high-shine enamel paint. Leave as is or glue on small children’s toys, blocks, wooden or magnetic letters, pieces from broken toys.

Cut a copy of a photo into strips that are one inch wider than needed to wrap around each side of the frame. Glue strips to picture frame. Seal with CLEAR PROTECTANT.

Paint frame with a black enamel base coat. Splatter or sponge with bright colors or shades of gray, brown, and/or white.

Strip & restain to desired color.

For the techie – glue on small parts from old appliances or computers.

For the writer or teacher – glue on new pencils or better yet, pencil stubs. You could even glue on wooden or magnetic letters to spell a name or message on top of the pencils.

Gild with gold, silver or copper leaf.

Glue on wooden letters to spell the name of the person in the photo or a message, such as “Love you”, “Miss you”, “Congratulations”

Decoupage with:

· magazine pages

· comic strips

· newspaper articles or headlines

· previously used gift wrap

· colored tissue paper

· decorative paper napkins

Cover frame with mosaic pieces such as broken pieces of tiles, china, ceramic pots, or jewelry.

Paint a neutral color such as white, tan, off-white or almond. Sponge on a color one or two shades lighter or darker than the base coat. Glue on natural items such as:

· seashells

· ceramic figures

· dried flowers

· ribbons or lace

· combination of ribbons, lace, dried flowers & moss

· moss

· moss and dried flowers (rosebuds look especially lovely)


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